Teknol Setting Up Engineering HQ in Calgary

Teknol chooses Calgary for Engineering Headquarters

Calgary is fast becoming the go-to destination for tech companies looking to make their mark. The latest addition to this tech frenzy is Teknol, a Silicon Valley software company, setting up its engineering headquarters in Calgary with a $12.5 million investment.

Here's the scoop: Teknol was lured by Calgary's talented workforce, affordable costs (yes, tech dreams come true without breaking the bank!), and its prime location, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from their San Francisco headquarters. Talk about convenience!

Teknol knows where the real talent flows! They'll be tapping into the talent development pipelines from the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta to build their powerhouse team. Education + Innovation = Winning combo!

The best part? Teknol chose Calgary through good old word-of-mouth! This buzzing ecosystem is bringing more and more companies to our doorstep, creating a tech boom like no other.

Calgary is transforming into the Silicon Valley of the North, and I'm investing in the city - don't get left out! Contact me today.

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